
Nov 2014

A new era is dawning in the kingdom, mantles are falling on the shoulders of the next, seas and rivers are parting to cause the emerging easy transition to carry these mantles into places they never been before. Mantles make it easier for the bearer to move into realms they never seen before!...

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Nov 2014

One of the main functions of an office prophet in the local church is to help develop a prophetic support system in which to establish a prophetic culture by training, equipping and releasing the prophetic dimension upon the believers in that house. Prophets in the house are to raise up OTHERS to prophesy, not to be prophetic idols to the people or the substitute to the Holy Spirit.They are NOT to be used as a PROPHESIER, soothsayer, psychic, soul-searchers, clairvoyant, medium, palm-reader, fortune-teller and ESP. That will create a spiritual junkyard instead......

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